Hire Terms & Conditions (*T&C's)
Terms & Conditions of Suit Hire
- Booking and Deposit
- Fitting
- Collection & Final Fit
- Returning suits
- Loss or Damage
- Payments
- Changing and Cancelling Order
Booking and Deposit
- Chosen suits can be booked for your required date with a £300 deposit. £100 of this deposit is an additional charge and is refundable on return of the suits providing they are returned meeting all criteria. (see section 4)
- If you have anyone in your party who may need extra attention e.g. Larger size (52 and above) or has special needs, please make the member of staff aware upon booking or as soon as possible thereafter.
- It is recommended all groomsmen make themselves available to be measured in store by our trained staff. They can be measured individually at their own convenience 6-8 weeks before ceremony date. If two or more are planning to be fitted at once, an appointment is recommended. (Call 028 9045 9052 or email info@gowdys.net)
- It is the individual’s responsibility to fit suits correctly with the aid of staff. These sizes will be recorded and used to put suits together for the day of the ceremony. Before leaving the store, individuals agree to their measurements and ensure they have been recorded without error.
- If men are unable to be fitted in store, measurements can be phoned in and recorded as C.O.M. (customers own measurements)
Collection and Final Fit
- It is highly recommended that each individual is available to try the final suit on during collection.
- We endeavor to have suits available up to 5 working days before the ceremony.
- All items that leave the store are considered correct and fit for purpose and any issues brought to our attention on return will not be eligible for refund and may incur a fee.
Returning Suits
- It is expected that all suits are returned a) on time b) on hangers and inside covers provided c) without damage (see section 5)It is recommended that the best man or other nominated individual is responsible for the safe return of all items.
- It is not necessary to return shirts or shoes
- No items should be washed before return.
- Suits will be checked as soon as possible by staff and any loss, damage and/or dry cleaning required will be recorded. If suits are returned correctly (section 5) the deposit will be automatically returned via bank transfered to the groom..
Loss, Damage, Dry Cleaning
- The costs of any loss and/or damage that occurs when the suits are out on hire is the responsibility of the Groom to reimburse C. A. Gowdy Ltd. The cost may be over the security deposit amount and may require further money owed. Damage includes but is not limited to; Tearing, Burn Marks, Permanent Stains, Holes etc. If our “in house” steam cleaning does not effectively remove all stains, the item(s) will be sent to dry cleaning at the expense of the groom a sum of £10 per item.
- Payments can be made at any time both in store and via phone. We accept cash and debit/credit cards. We do not accept cheques or American Express. The final balance should be paid no later than one month before the ceremony.
Changing and/or Cancelling Order
- Any request to change the order can only be made by the Bride and Groom. These changes will be facilitated where possible and may incur extra charges. For example; If it is requested that a suit colour is changed and we have declined other bookings, the old order will be cancelled and all money paid will be lost.
- If an order is cancelled, no refund can be given.
- There is a “cooling off” period of one week when suits can be cancelled and fully refunded minus any fitting fees (£10 per person).
Opening hours Monday – Saturday 9am to 5pm